There's a little monster in all of us. When I was young and not-so-innocent my sister and I would get into vicious girl fights. Sometimes it would get bad enough and my monster deep down would come out. It seems that my little monster had a thing for biting. If my sister wasn't careful I would bite her hard enough to break the skin...bad monster!
This month's giveaway is for one of the monsters in our new Spring Collection. Just leave a comment on how you were a little monster as a child. We'll pick a winner at random on Tuesday, March 31st. Be sure to include your email so we can get in touch with you. Let the monster memories begin!
Way way cute Rach! Love your models and the photo shoots!
My little one is a monster in that he goes around the house all day long growling like a monster, has monster books, fights his brother like a monster (mostly pushes) and watches Monsters Inc. a lot. My little one is a cute monster. I always say, "Be a NICE monster."
I was a horrible monster when I was two. My favorite past time was opening all the cereal/pasta/beans/anything small and dump them out on the floor in a manner of seconds. My parents came to expect it, but that didn't make it any better and now I have a cute little monster who does the exact same thing!
Courtnie Cotterell
Whoops, forgot to say my email is courtnie.cotterell@gmail.com
When my parents would send me to my room, I would write letters and set them outside my door. I would say things like "When I was in heaven I chose different parents but somehow God made a mistake and I ended up with you!"
My hopes to hurt my parents feelings instead led to their large outbursts of laughter outside my bedroom door.
Ok, I was usually a peace-maker in our family, but when I was very young occasionally my sister Lori and I would get so mad at each other that we would lock eyes and dig our nails into each others arms. It was a painful death grip that only ended in one of us sobbing and running from the room.
I also used to throw some pretty monstrous tantrums. When my family started laughing at the melt-down dramas, I quit. Maybe that is why I got into acting...?
findjamie@yahoo.com ;-)
I called my mom the "B" word once does that count? :) I think I felt guilty afterwards. Anyway, if I don't win, I think I will need to place an order anyway---so, so cute! Oops, I shouldn't have disclosed that.
these little onesies are absolutely adorable! i was a monster once...my sister and i were pretty close in age and i would hide my toys from her (mostly my barbies) so that she couldn't play with them.
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